
How to approach an american woman


How to approach an american woman

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When we are talking about dating, there is some sort of difficulty range, where the highest places are occupied by French and, definitely, American women. Almost all of them are experts in everything related to dating. American women are accustomed to taking everything from life, and if she likes you, she will not be bothered by any social prejudices, or different mentality, or skin color. Dating American women is very close to the sport, so it requires both skills and preparations, but with some tips and hints, you can easily turn dating into the most joyful and amazing way to spend free time. And maybe, in the end, find a beautiful and lifelong romance.

If you decided to visit the homeland of Founding Fathers and try yourself in dating an American woman, there are some simple rules and useful hints, dedicated to making your dating more successful

The initiative is a strength. If you are used to date women, who modestly sit in a bar with one glass of champagne all evening and throw little glances at the crowd, hoping and believing that someone will show interest, you will be surprised. American women are very protective of their ability to make choices and act. They are nurtured in thinking about life, relationships, career, education, sex, hobbies being in their hands. American society is the one with the oldest tradition of gender equality, so it’s weird to expect that American women will let you so everything on your own in dating. So any matter about the date, romance and relationships must be discussed so both of your points and wishes can be taken into consideration.

The natural look is the best look. American women are taught that they are beautiful in any look and body from childhood. Yes, the American beauty industry is one of the largest in the world, and still, they are very good at separating magazine covers from real life. Criticizing the female body in the United States is sexism in the worst form and you will be canceled and banned everywhere for any shaming comments. American women have amazing styles and they always care about themselves, but not for your appreciation, but for their own joy. So no comments are necessary at all. Therefore, if you want your dating to be successful and full of pleasant romance, never even consider giving advice on where she needs to lose weight, which makeup and clothes she should wear.

No means no. If you asked an American woman out on a date and she said no, there is no future. In some other countries and cultures, such code may imply that women expect more initiative or attention. But in dating an American woman things are quite straightforward. The best thing you can do is to ask nicely what you have done wrong, you will definitely get a sincere answer. Constantly striving for self-improvement and admitting your own mistakes can be a golden ticket and an opportunity to resume dating in such a case.

Any type of dating is okay. American women are open for dating for any reason that suits you. They easily understand both datings just for fun and for building strong, serious, even lifelong relationships. The only important thing is sharing your goal from the beginning. They value honesty very much, so there is no need to create some impressive picture, just stay who you are and you will be welcomed for it.

Intimacy is not that important. For American women, the fact that you’ve slept once or twice really isn’t a reason for something serious. In big cities like New York or Los Angeles, as long as you haven’t discussed both of us as a couple, she has every right to spend time in a movie, restaurant or bed with whoever she pleases. Speaking and declaring your thoughts and desires is a key factor for dating an American woman.

From all these rules and reasons you may get the impression that American women are too strong, too in control, and maybe even a little bit scary. But actually they’re not. It is hard to find more open, cheerful, sweetheart, open-minded, supportive, and caring creatures on planet Earth. Dating an American woman means to find a close friend, a reliable partner, a constant opportunity to get someone on your side in any life circumstances. All of them are an amazing example of a partner, who is genuinely interested in making you happy.