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The Details of CASS Certification Requirements: Why DPV and LACS Matter


The Details of CASS Certification Requirements: Why DPV and LACS Matter

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In address data intelligence, CASS (Coding Accuracy Support System) Certification is a gold standard. It’s not just a badge; it’s an assurance of quality and accuracy in address validation. If you’re a CTO, GIS Manager, or Data Analyst, understanding CASS requirements is crucial for ensuring your systems are up to par.

This certification, bestowed by the United States Postal Service (USPS), stands as a testament to the accuracy and quality of an address validation system. From an operational standpoint, leveraging a CASS-certified system can lead to significant savings by reducing costly redeliveries and lost packages. In fact, businesses can also qualify for USPS postal discounts, offering direct financial incentives.

Beyond the monetary aspect, there’s the value of enhanced customer experiences. With accurate address data, businesses can guarantee timely deliveries, ensuring customer satisfaction and a marked reduction in customer service interventions. This accuracy also plays a pivotal role in data standardization, a boon for those engaged in data analysis and business intelligence.

Let’s dive into the two non-negotiable requirements: DPV and LACS.

Requirement 1 – DPV (Delivery Point Validation)

What is DPV?

DPV stands for Delivery Point Validation. In layman’s terms, it confirms that the USPS can practically and physically deliver mail to that specific location.

While CASS Certification requirements set broad standards for address validation, DPV is the keystone of the process. CASS might tell you if an address aligns with postal standards, but DPV informs you, in most cases, that the address is useful.

Why is DPV Important?

1. Data Integrity: DPV ensures that you’re working with addresses that are not just valid but also deliverable. This is crucial for operations managers and marketing directors who rely on accurate data for logistics and campaigns.

2. Cost-Efficiency: For a CFO or Procurement Manager, undeliverable addresses mean wasted resources. DPV helps in reducing return mail costs.

3. Compliance: For Compliance Officers, ensuring that your address data meets USPS standards can be a part of regulatory requirements.

Practical Application

If you’re a software engineer or product director, integrating DPV and geocoding capabilities into your address validation API is a must. Just because you have a load of addresses that all fit the formatting standards of your area does not mean the address can be mailed to. DPV, complemented by geocode data, protects you from such false positives..

Requirement 2 – LACS (Locatable Address Conversion System)

What is LACS?

The LACS is a critical database curated and maintained by 911 emergency services. Its primary function is to standardize address formats, ensuring that locations can be swiftly and accurately pinpointed during emergency situations. By providing a uniform framework for addresses, LACS not only streamlines emergency response times but also potentially saves lives.

In high-pressure scenarios where every second counts, the ability to quickly locate an address without confusion or discrepancies becomes paramount. LACS plays an indispensable role in this, acting as the backbone of efficient emergency response, bridging the gap between a distress call and timely assistance.

Why is LACS Important?

1. Public Safety: For GIS analysts and Network Planning Managers, LACS is essential for emergency response planning.

2. Data Standardization: Operations and Data & Analytics Managers will find that LACS helps in maintaining a master address list that is not just accurate but also standardized.

3. Customer Experience: For Customer Service Managers who deal with emergency responders, ensuring that addresses are LACS-compliant means quicker and more reliable service.

Practical Application

If you’re an IT Manager or CIO, your address processing services should at least query the LACS database to check for address updates. Ideally, your system should update these addresses to align with LACS data.


CASS Certification isn’t just a box to tick; it’s a commitment to data accuracy and operational efficiency. DPV and LACS are not optional; they’re essential. Whether you’re a CTO aiming for data integrity or a Marketing Director looking to optimize campaigns, understanding and implementing these requirements will set you apart in the competitive landscape of address data intelligence.

What to do Next

If you’re not CASS-certified yet, it’s time to level up your address validation game. Start by integrating DPV and LACS into your systems today. Your bottom line—and your peace of mind—will thank you.