Education & Careers

5 reasons to get a writing and style mentor


5 reasons to get a writing and style mentor

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Are you a writer looking to expand your skills but don’t know where to start? Hiring a writing and style mentor could be the answer to reaching your writing goals. Whatever stage you are at in your writing career, from beginner to a published author, anyone can benefit from a writing mentor.

You might be wondering what the difference is between a writing/style mentor and a grammar checker. An extensive grammar checker is an excellent tool to use during the writing and editing process to help correct grammar, tone and spelling issues. Whereas, a writing mentor is a coach that can help develop your writing skills or the development of your story. We’ll be diving into more benefits of a writing mentor in this article.

What is a writing mentor?

A writing mentor is an experienced, professional writer that offers support and guidance to new writers. Often, mentoring for writers will be used to improve writing skills, help with writer’s block or for career progression. 

Mentoring or writing coaching is usually conducted through regular meetings in person, online or over the phone. This can be dependent on the type of mentoring you require or your location. Thanks to the internet and our hyper-connectivity, it is easier than ever to receive mentoring from a writer on the other side of the world.

Which type of mentor is right for you?

Not every mentor will be the same. Each writer’s goal or career path is different. Therefore, choosing the appropriate writing mentor for you and your writing goals is extremely important. 

If you are an author, you will want a published author who is experienced in writing at length as a mentor. Whereas, a freelance writer will require a mentor who coaches in writing new pieces regularly and can perhaps provide help in marketing services. 

Additionally, you might also consider the mentor’s accomplishments. Perhaps one of your writing goals is to be published by a certain publisher and your mentor may have this goal already under their belt. Therefore, they have the experience and knowledge needed for you to reach this goal. Making them an excellent prospective mentor for you.

There are also various options when considering the type of mentoring session that you require. You can opt for one-to-one mentoring where the expert is focused solely on your work during the session. Alternatively, you can opt for group mentoring sessions where your work is shared among peers. 

Therefore, you should consider the mentor as well as the kind of sessions or intensity of mentoring you desire.

5 reasons you should get a writing and style mentor

  • Feedback

Receiving feedback during the writing process is important to ensure you are on the right track. A first draft will rarely be perfect and often, you can be too close to your work and unable to see problems right in front of you. Therefore, having objective feedback and criticism is key to improving your work.

A writing mentor will be the objective feedback you need whilst developing your skills. A mentor is well qualified and experienced, making them the best place to seek feedback. They also know that their purpose is to help you and will be completely honest. Even if the feedback is tough to take, it is for your benefit.

  • Inspiration and challenges

Have you ever suffered writer’s block during a project or when trying to start something new? This isn’t unusual for most writers and a writing mentor can help you push through and inspire you whenever it is lacking.

Your writing mentor can offer suggestions or new directions for your writing. As well as propose writing challenges that remove you from your comfort zone and stretch your writing abilities. 

Additionally, if you opted for group mentoring sessions, you will also find inspiration from the others participating. A group can offer suggestions, feedback, and alternative perspectives on your work. Helping you to continue progressing and growing as a writer.

  • Professional progression

A well-chosen mentor in the right field for you will be experienced and knowledgeable in the whole field, not just the writing itself. Therefore, you can also benefit from professional development during your mentoring. 

A coach can help in regards to publishing, such as ensuring your writing is of the standard needed to publish. Plus, they can offer recommendations or connections to help you in the publishing process. Perhaps, as your writing or project develops, the mentor may recommend other individuals that can help you climb the career ladder. A freelancing mentor can help with marketing yourself to book more clients or publications.

  • Accountability

Writing and producing work regularly can be tough and requires a lot of self-discipline. Reporting to a mentor regularly pushes you to complete the work and holds you accountable for what you have or haven’t done. Your meetings provide you with personal deadlines that you need to stay on top of your work and your goals. 

Therefore, a mentor can encourage you to be more self-motivated to keep working on your writing. If you do not show up for yourself and your mentor, their time and your investment are wasted.

  • Personal development

A writing mentor can help with more than just writing and career development. Mentoring has the potential to contribute to your personal development as well. 

Your mentality and mindset will be tested throughout your career. You’ll need to learn how to take criticism, you might doubt yourself regularly, or hit crippling writer’s block. A mentor can help you develop the skills you need to bounce back, to move on and when you feel like giving up, they’re there to remind you of why you write in the first place.


Mentors for writing offer many benefits. Firstly, receiving expert advice, inspiration and guidance are invaluable when trying to progress in your career. Secondly, you will be gaining improved writing skills and personal skills you need to continue growing and developing as a writer. Consequently, writing and styling mentors are excellent investments for writers at any stage of their career and in any niche.