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Alberta Driving Rules You Should Know About


Alberta Driving Rules You Should Know About

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Alberta presents drivers with some of the busiest roads in Canada. Unless you keep yourself abreast of the provincial driving norms, your chances of receiving traffic tickets are pretty high.

We have outlined some Alberta driving rules that should help you remain more vigilant at the wheel. The last thing to expect is your automobile insurance taking a blow, with the premiums ticking up every year. Insuring your car in Calgary, Alberta shouldn’t be too expensive with reputed insurance brokers like Surex around.

Rules governing distracted driving in Alberta

The Alberta driving rules governing distracted driving have been in place for over a decade. According to research, distracted drivers are three times more likely to be involved in accidents or collisions compared to attentive drivers. Besides, 20% to 30% of incidents involving collisions in Alberta stem from distracted driving.

Remember, traffic tickets for distracted driving start from $300 in Alberta. This type of traffic conviction can result in three demerit points being credited to your driving record.

Instances of distracted driving include the following:

  • Sending emails or text
  • Using your mobile handset, unless it’s hands-free or simply voice-activated
  • Using cameras, video game consoles, laptops, programming portable audio devices, or entertainment displays
  • Reading anything (electronic or printed material)
  • Writing something while driving
  • Using GPS units to enter information
  • Attending pets while you drive your car
  • Styling your hair, flossing or brushing your teeth, shaving, clipping nails, or putting on your makeup
  • Allowing someone to prevent you from accessing the controls of your car
  • Allowing someone or something (ice or snow) to obstruct your vision

Changing lanes in Alberta

Consider adequate safety measures when moving to a different lane while driving in Alberta. Don’t wait for the last moment if you are willing to change your lane. As soon as you want to switch to a different lane, activate the turning signal. Now carry out a shoulder check to inspect the blind spot after taking a look in the mirror.

As per the driving rules Alberta has in place, try not to change lanes near intersections. Also, refrain from changing lanes if you sense a space crunch or need to get over a solid white line.

Overtaking other vehicles

Drivers in Alberta willing to overtake a slower-moving vehicle are responsible for completing the process safely. In case you look to your left for a yellow line, be vigilant for any oncoming cars. When you change lanes to overtake other vehicles, make sure to signal and shoulder-check.

On urban roads, you will find a solid yellow line splitting the road to make way for cars coming from the opposite direction. If you are driving on rural roads, overtake other vehicles only where you find the yellow line broken.

Try not to overtake vehicles close to playgrounds or schools. Also, don’t overtake vehicles that are parked at a crosswalk or those waiting for people to cross the road.

Rules governing turning in Alberta

Take care that you turn into the right lane from the current one. In Alberta, you won’t find line markings on all the lanes. Drivers should understand that the road has two lanes if a parked vehicle has adequate space for another vehicle to travel beside it.

When you take the right turn, start the turn and finish the same within one meter, considering the position of the right curb. If there’s a parked vehicle within half a block while taking a left turn, drivers can turn directly into the second lane. Consider the closest lane to the center line as you start and finish the left turn.

On broad roads, drivers often find multiple turning lanes. Be vigilant enough so that you choose the right lane to turn into. Remember, you shouldn’t change lanes if there’s an intersection, regardless of whether you are driving straight or turning.

Before making any turn, you need to shoulder check and signal to remain safe on the roads.

Merging and staying in your lane

If you decide to merge into another road, make sure to get the speed of your car adjusted in the acceleration road. Your left turn signal should be activated. Scan the traffic flow on the new road and find an empty space where you can merge your vehicle.

Don’t expect other vehicles on this road to leave space for your car. This justifies why you need to adjust your speed and make room for your vehicle. Once the merge is completed, put your signal off.

When you drive along your own lane, stick to the center. Keep an eye out for other vehicles that might happen to drift in front of you. Try to maintain a straight line as you focus further in front.

Turning right and left on a red light

In Alberta, a car is allowed to turn right at the red light if it is safe. These are optional turns, and you need to consider the case after stopping. Also, keep your eyes open for the traffic lights indicating ‘sideways’. At times, drivers get startled at the sight of a double red sideways traffic light. It means the same as the single red light indicating sideways.

Drivers can turn left when the red light is on under just one circumstance in Alberta. If you are travelling on a one-way street and want to turn left into another one-way street, you can do so. However, stop and yield to map the road conditions and maintain safety.

Alberta driving rules you should know about — Endnote

Respecting the driving rules in Alberta ensures that you maintain a ‘safe’ driver’s profile to impress your insurer. Given that insurance premiums in Alberta usually hurt the pockets of car owners, you would try to maintain a decent record. Adhering to the established driving norms would help you keep your driving record spotless.

However, if you get involved in an accident, reach out to an insurance broker to keep your premiums manageable. Reputed insurance professionals can help you take advantage of several discounts and rebates from top insurers. Besides, they would compare quotes for your car and recommend cost-effective coverages for your vehicle.