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How do solar panels hold up in a hurricane?


How do solar panels hold up in a hurricane?

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The search for new energy sources continues, but one thing is clear: the panels used today are durable and resistant to damage. To be sure that they are stable, you just need to look at the studies that were carried out not so long ago.

According to reports, only 0.1% of solar panels were damaged by hail. There is no question of whether this equipment can withstand an intense hurricane. Manufacturers of quality products conduct tests to ensure that rainfall will not affect the condition of their goods.

How well do solar panels withstand hail and hurricanes?

The use of solar panels is becoming a popular source of energy, which is why manufacturers are conducting a number of tests. The purpose of these experiments is to give proof to customers that severe thunderstorms and rains will not harm their purchased product.

The research statistics are the best indicator of the longevity of solar panels. This work confirms that panels withstand:

  • gusts of wind up to 140 mph;
  • hail with the size of 1 inch;
  • falling pieces of ice with a speed of up to 50 mph.

Comparing the presented figures with the consequences of the recent hurricane, we found out that the strongest rain and hail will not harm the batteries. Tests carried out by the manufacturer prior to the release of the batch confirm the compliance of the manufactured goods with high international standards.

Do solar panels work when it’s raining?

Modern technology for generating electrical energy makes you wonder if solar panels work when it rains? You won’t have to spend a lot of time searching for answers, since technological panels not only withstand serious loads but also stay fully functional, regardless of the weather outside.

This result was achieved with the help of modern technologies. Protection against extreme weather is just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, the work on creating efficient equipment is done with great care, so there is no need to worry about your panels.

How to prepare before a hurricane

No preparation for a hurricane is required. Of course, owners can have a strong urge to remove or cover their installed panels, but this isn’t necessary. The high strength of the mounts and the resistance of your panels to gusts of wind will allow them to stay safe.

Renowned manufacturers conduct many tests to ensure that their construction will withstand windy weather. Research results are not just empty words because each manufacturer cares about its reputation among customers. Innovate Solar finds quality batteries and checks their quality.

What to do after a hurricane

The effects of a hurricane can be horrible, but you need to stay calm. Numerous studies make sure that hail and rain will not damage your solar panels. Experts recommend following a few tips during a solar panels installation:

  • don’t try to assess the damages caused by the hurricane on your own;
  • it is also unsafe to do repairs on your own;
  • be sure to contact your service company.

Solving the problems will not take much time.

How to improve the durability of your solar panels?

Since solar panel protection is not required, it is worth considering options for extending their lifespan. That’s why you should clarify these issues with your installers in advance and be sure to use high-quality fasteners.

For additional protection, experts offer:

  • installation of quality panels from well-known brands;
  • use of high-strength stall systems;
  • selection of durable and high-quality roof mounts for panels.

The property to withstand hurricanes and hail allows you not to worry about damages and be safe.

Summing up

Installing solar panels is the right step towards your comfort during hurricanes and heavy rains. Reliable protection against damage significantly reduces the risk of losing your source of electricity at such a difficult moment. Compliance with safety rules will protect you from damage and allow you to fix problems in a short time.

Choose going solar for your safety and comfort. An inspection, calculator for solar panels, and repairs will ensure that your solar energy system is installed correctly.