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5 Important Questions To Ask When Selecting An International School For Your Children


5 Important Questions To Ask When Selecting An International School For Your Children

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Selecting the best school for your children is a complex and complicated decision. You have so many options, with each school claiming to be the best. 

You also need to consider the needs and requirements of your child, in addition to looking at all the costs. Needless to say, all these factors make the selection process an overwhelming process. 

Leading educationists believe that parents can come with a good selection through rather simple means. 

These consist of asking a set of pertinent questions to the teachers, principals, and higher management of the international school

In this resource article, we speak to educationists from the Invictus international school in Cambodia. We ask them to list five important questions that can help parents select the best international schools for their children. 

Question 1: What is the Classroom Size and Strength?

Your child is going to spend the majority of his or her time at the school in the classroom. Don’t be swept off your feet seeing the play area or the gymnasium. Real teaching is classroom teaching and looking at the size of the classroom matters a lot. 

Ideally, the classroom should be big enough to comfortably hold twenty or thirty students. You also need to pay attention to the student-teacher ratio in the classroom. Ask how much it is. If you are looking at numbers, good international schools have ratios as low as 25:1. 

Question 2: What is the Retention Rate of the Teachers and the Principal?

International schools that have higher retention rates are good. This is simply because teachers that stay in schools for a long time are satisfied with their workplace in terms of salary, culture, and efficiency. If they are not, the school is likely to have a poor retention rate. 

The same applies to the principal as well. Experts point out that if a teacher stays in a school for more than three years, parents can assume that it is a good school. The same goes for the principal of a school as well. Retention rates are highly important in giving an important insight into the school’s functioning. 

Question 3: Who frames the Educational Curriculum of the School?

It should be noted that international schools adhere to multiple curriculums. However, the best ones are the Cambridge International Curriculum. This is a global educational standard model that has been voted as one of the best ones in the world. 

You also need to ask about the educational leadership in the international school. While teachers and principals are the educators, a school is often run by business management that looks at issues like profitability and efficiency. Find out whether there is a tussle between the two. 

Question 4: What is the Vision and Mission Statement of the School?

The goal of a good international school is to create a well-rounded student that is aware, educated, and has a great personality. Teaching and learning are one of the many important aspects that parents expect from a model international school. 

Ask the teachers about what the school seeks to instill in the child and what relevance does the same as in the outside world. International schools are famous for creating global students that can excel with their education, skills, and productivity in any part of the world. 

Question 5: To what extent is Technology used in normal school processes?

Given how we are amid a global pandemic, technology has played a key role in shifting teaching online. This means that the use of technology and digital platforms in schools is at an all-time high. You need to ask about the use of technology specifically. 

A brilliant model of learning has been created following the advent of Smart Classrooms. The use of video tools, animation, and graphics in learning can help students grasp the subjects and topics better. The better the use of technology, the better the international school. It is that simple. 

The Bottom Line

In addition to the above questions, parents also need to discuss the kind of assessments that are on offer. Finally, discussing the fee payments and financial structure is also important to understand how value for money the international school as a proposition is. You want your child to have the best foundation that can help them become successful in adulthood. An international school can help in achieving this and much more.