
Signs that you need a workers’ comp attorney in Richmond


Signs that you need a workers’ comp attorney in Richmond

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After a work injury, you might have a bunch of things to worry about – keeping up with your medical treatment and ensuring that you are financially capable of dealing with things as you could be out of work. Just because you have a workers’ compensation claim doesn’t always mean that you need an attorney. Virginia requires all employers to have workers’ compensation insurance, and in return, injured workers cannot sue their respective employers for negligence. If getting the benefits that you deserve is so easy, why would you need a workers’ comp attorney Richmond? We have enlisted five situations when you definitely need to seek legal counsel. 

  1. Your claim has been denied. Eventually, you are going to deal with the insurance company, and these companies work for a profit. More often than not, the insurance adjusters deny claims because they know that the claimant would do much. If you had filed the Claim Form through the Commission and your claim has been denied, you may want to lawyer up before you take the matter ahead. 
  2. You have been offered a settlement. If the insurance company has called you and asked for the amount for which you would want to settle your claim, you should talk to a lawyer. Lawyers can help evaluate workers’ compensation claims and guide you on how you can negotiate better. Your attorney can also help you get a fair settlement for your case. This becomes even more important when an injury is likely to end your career or permanent loss of a body function. 
  3. Your injuries are severe. As we mentioned, if a work injury is likely to make it impossible for you to work in your field or when you have a note from your doctor that mentions permanent work restrictions, you need to talk to an attorney. The insurance company will ask you to go for the Vocational Rehabilitation program, for which you have to work with a Vocational Counselor chosen by them. During such times, your lawyer can ensure that you continue to get the benefits and are not under pressure from the Vocational Counselor. 

It is also wise to hire a lawyer when you have a third-party claim. A skilled attorney can ensure that you understand the worker’s compensation system and are ready to handle the complications that may come your way. The good news is you only pay the attorney when you get a settlement.