
Using a Suitable Wheelchair Can Make Your Day-To-Day Life Easier


Using a Suitable Wheelchair Can Make Your Day-To-Day Life Easier

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A practical guide

Research your surroundings

Take a photo of the place where you are installing the ramp. It is also helpful to research your surroundings or other businesses for ideas and inspiration. Take measurements in your area and then measure again to ensure accuracy. The worst part of any project is wrong measurements.


It would help if you familiarized yourself with the laws governed by the Americans with Disabilities Act for material specifications and planning requirements.

Create an image map of the scale you are building the ramp

A site plan must be drawn up, and details must be marked and entered, including materials. This will help during the construction phase. If you have people helping you, it will be easy for them to see your vision through your carefully thought-out plan. Check out the various laws regarding ramp slope and handrail specifications. Also, make sure the ramp area is completely level.


Permits are required for all structures associated with your home. Take your plans to your local government and pay the permit fee. You will be glad you heard about this step, as the costs for not having permission are outrageous. Not digging is essential because the last thing you need to do is get into the gas or electric line before starting to build the wheelchair ramp. Rampe handicapé makes it easy to get into and out of residential or commercial buildings.


It is also essential to make a budget to follow, obtain permits, and call your local utility company before construction begins. A budget allows you to be financially responsible when the actual construction starts. You will determine if you can afford the ramp materials you are interested in or if you need to research other building materials. It is also essential to determine if it is best to entrust this job to a professional installer if the budget allows.

Wheelchair Ramp buying guide


When you are considering buying a metal ramp, the first sign you will need to look for is rust. Then check the plastic handle. If there are any tears or holes in the plastic, you should probably look for another ramp. The stability of the hand and foot rails should also be checked carefully, as many accidents can occur due to the failure of these rails.

Process the wood

When considering buying a wood ramp, it is a good idea to check if the ramps are rotten, and you will also need to process the wood to make sure it is not slippery when using the ramp. You will be required to check how much weight the ramp can handle and how steep it is. If you are going to buy a wooden ramp, keep in mind that it will be cheaper to buy the building material and build it yourself.


If the ramps are folding, check to see if they fold correctly and how good their durability is. This will inevitably decide how portable the ramp is. Ultimately, you cannot judge the safety of people in wheelchairs, and investing in a quality ramp will ensure longevity. Private owners offer both portable and fixed wheelchair ramps that they no longer need, but before you decide to buy ramps from them, check out the wheelchair ramp manufacturers before deciding.