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What are roles of ICT in health education and promotion?


What are roles of ICT in health education and promotion?

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There is no denying the fact that information and communications technologies have significantly transformed the way businesses operate across all industries. What is interesting to note is that information and communications technologies also play an important role in healthcare as well as health education and promotion. 

The implementation of modern information and communication technologies promote health and medical education that are age-specific, gender-responsive, culturally appropriate, backed by concrete evidence, and scientifically accurate. 

What is the benefit of ICT in health education?

There is not just one but several roles of ICT in health education, and that too, at different levels. At the very basic level, ICT plays a fundamental role in ensuring proper basic health education at middle and senior school levels. 

ITC-integrated learning materials and resources such as interactive ebooks, informative videos, tutorial videos, and edutainment videos work well in ensuring basic medical and health education for school students in a non-invasive way.

The role of ICT in promoting the health & well being of school students is highly underrated and overlooked. This is because students can improve their overall health and well-being with the ICT-assisted health education they receive at school. Also, the students who are well-informed about basic health practices can help create a better health and hygiene-focused community around them.

At the basic level, the roles of ICT in health education, especially in regard to sexual health and diseases, promote the early adoption of proper practices among teenage school students going into adulthood. 

What are the roles of ICT in health education and promotion at an advanced level? 

Apart from playing a crucial role in ensuring the right foundation for health education, information and communication technologies also bolster health and medical education and promotion at advanced levels.

There are several new-generation medical tools and technologies that improve the overall learning process for medical students at post-graduate, university levels. For example, there are several virtual reality and augmented reality backed software and tools that help medical students experience hands-on learning without making the overall learning experience risky or invasive. 

Many medical students in top-tier medical universities have the privilege to learn medical processes through smart medical tools that are interconnected to each other and to computers and monitoring devices via the internet of things technology. 

The role of ICT in promoting the health and well-being of advanced-level medical students is one of the best benefits that medical universities and institutions can offer or prioritise. Medical hardware and software tools backed by information and communication technologies make it easier for students to understand medical processes with transparency and hands-on learning. This, in turn, helps them achieve better insights and actionable overall learning which further helps in ensuring their as well as others well-being through knowledge and practice sharing. 

Role of ICT in healthcare

Information and communications technologies have evolved to the point that they are now crucial elements of modern healthcare practices. Almost all modern healthcare facilities and institutions rely on information and communication technologies in one way or the other.

One of the basic roles of ICT in promoting the health and well-being of patients, especially in care homes, is ensuring proper medical record tracking through electronic MAR sheets. Most modern electronic MAR sheet applications or software are cloud-based. And the cloud storage of all the important patient information makes it easy for healthcare workers to access all the sensitive information with utmost security. 

The roles of ICT in promoting the health and well-being of patients also extend to post-treatment or surgery healing periods. By using professional ICT-backed monitoring and tracking tools, it becomes significantly easier for healthcare workers to ensure the best care while maintaining high levels of safety.