
What is the best supplement for 13 years old children for growth of good health and brain?


What is the best supplement for 13 years old children for growth of good health and brain?

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A child needs food for their wholesome development of the body and brain. Today, we will discuss some supplements that can be taken by children of 13 years for healthy development. Supplements don’t mean packed medicines; supplements are natural food items too. So let’s learn, “What is the best supplement for 13 years old children for growth of good health and brain?”. 

What is the best supplement for 13 years old children for growth of good health and brain?

A child needs brain development along with body development. Hence as a parent, you should be feeding these below-mentioned items to increase the brainpower of a child. 

Whole grains 

Yes, whole grains are the healthiest brain food. These have vitamin-B, which helps in the betterment of the “nervous system”. Also, whole grains are fibrous and have a lot of protein, which helps in the child’s healthy body development. The five content in the whole grains controls the glucose level in the blood and helps regulate it. Whole Grain bread sandwich should be a must for snack time. If not regular, it should be on every alternate day. 



Image credit: Once upon a chef

Salmon fish is one of the major supplements of omega 3 fatty acids, which is essential for brain growth and functioning. According to some researchers and tests, it was examined that children who eat fatty acids in enough quantities regularly have a sharp intellect and a developed brain functioning. 

Some might ask you to feed your child tuna instead of salmon, but let’s make it clear, salmon is the best provider of omega 3 fatty acids. We can suggest you a little trick, make them baked salmon or butter lemon salmon with parsley and cheese. Little variations in the fish will definitely make it tasty and acceptable. 


You heard it right, berries. These are one of the finest sources of antioxidants and vitamin C. Any berry, like strawberry, blueberry, blackberry, and cherries are a considerable source of these healthy nutrients. Any fruit of dark colors is very healthy for a growing child. The seeds of strawberry are a considerable source of omega 3. So, don’t discard the seeds, eat it, and make your child eat it. Make them some smoothie, 3 berry smoothies topped with freshly cut strawberries and fresh cream. It’s a health drink and as well an energy booster. After they come from school, berry smoothie will be a great treat to their taste bud. 

Veggies- Green, yellow, and Red 

Veggies of any kind and color are helpful for brain and body development. Eating carrots and pumpkins will increase the immunity of your child. Green leafy vegetables like broccoli, spinach, beans, and bell pepper are amazing vitamins for a child. A pumpkin cake slice for a snack is a pronounced source of beta-carotene, vitamin E, C, beneficial for eyes, heart, brain, and body development. A veggie mixed with chicken or beef breast cut into pieces with pasta in white sauce is a delicacy for them. Stir-fried veggies with mushrooms are a considerable source of nutrition for kids. You can prepare dinner for them with this, they will definitely love it! 

The other types of health supplements are, 

  1. Yogurt and nuts 
  2. Seeds and berries
  3. Legumes and lentils
  4. Lettuce and chicken
  5. Protein-enriched foods like cereals
  6. Iron enriched vegetables and fruits

If you ask ” How to increase brain power of child?” the answer is, impart your proficiency in food to them! 

Best supplements for baby brain development

To develop a baby’s brain, you need to feed the mother when the baby is inside her. All the nutrition a mother intake helps in the growth of the baby. The more nutritious foods a mother will consume, the more the baby’s brain will develop. A mother should eat healthy food in large and not junk food. Well, it’s okay to eat a little once in a while. Would-be-Mothers need to eat vital minerals, calcium, magnesium, omega 3 fatty acids in large quantities. In simple terms 

  • Pumpkin
  • Carrots
  • Spinach
  • Salmon and tuna
  • Yogurt and nuts 
  • Eggs
  • Chicken 
  • Milk and milk products like cheese 
  • Broccoli
  • Lentils and legumes 
  • Iron is very important during pregnancy. Eat iron supplements every day. 

Does supplements have any side effects? 

We are all concerned with our child’s health, which pushes us towards the thinking that our child needs supplements. Hence, we take this drastic step of feeding multivitamins, minerals, or omega3 tables, etc. But have you ever considered the side effects of these supplements? Well, here we will try to share some knowledge over that. 

Yes, supplements might have bad effects on children. Well, anything is not proved yet through research. Much researches were executed on this specific matter, but results always varied from children to children and supplement brands. According to various surveys conducted on children aged 10-17, it was found that most of the children consume dietary supplements along with nutritious foods. This consumption of dietary supplements is not necessary.

Dietary supplements are not always harmful, but they do have a side effect if taken in huge amounts and when not necessary. Some children do need supplements because they don’t eat properly. The body needs everything in proportion, and some children are so adamant not to eat broccoli or carrots, the nutrients are hard to reach in their body. So, doctors sometimes suggest dietary supplements. Parents must consult a doctor before switching to dietary supplements over natural food. Even though some dietary supplements are mentioned as safe and natural, they are neither natural nor always safe. Sometimes, an overdose of supplements can be fatal.