
The things every business should be getting right in 2021


The things every business should be getting right in 2021

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When running a business, there is a lot to think about. Unfortunately, in 2021 that list of things that it’s vital for every company to get right is getting longer and longer. Here’s a look at some of the things it’s critical for every business to get right in 2021.

Everybody should be able to access your brand

In the year 2021, one of the most important messages that brands need to think about is equality. Whether it’s between genders, sexualities or races, there are huge online communities campaigning for everyone to have the same opportunities. Whilst most brands know not to discriminate between these groups, many of them are unknowingly and unintentionally discriminating against one group – the disabled.

Whilst many stores might have wheelchair ramps to help people in and out, disability means so much more than helping someone who is unable to walk. Many people with sight and hearing problems are unable to access even the most basic websites and marketing materials. Luckily there are a number of different tools, many of which are listed and explained in the article to make sure everybody can access these important messages from any brand. Failure to make your brand accessible won’t only mean you’re losing out on a large number of potential customers, but it could also create a lot of bad press for the business.

Customer service needs to be spot on at all times

Another thing that can cause any brand a lot of bad publicity is poor customer service. A few years ago, if a cashier or someone working in a store was rude or unprofessional towards a customer, it’s highly likely that very few people would have heard about it. The upset customer may have told some of their friends and family, but other than that it’s highly unlikely that it would have damaged your brand’s reputation too much. These days, as almost everyone has a smartphone, they can film these incidents, and they can cause a lot more problems. If someone was to post this video online and it went viral, it could be seen by hundreds of thousands if not millions of people with a few days and could even make the national news. That’s why it’s more important than ever for brands to train their customer service representatives to make sure incident like this never happen and are never caught on camera.

Make sure the product works

One of the most obvious things is to make sure the product works. Failure to do so could not only cost brands lots of money in replacing the products, but it could do unrepairable damage to the brand’s reputation. For example, when Samsung released a phone which included a battery that exploded for a worrying about of customers, not only did they have to recall them all, but they probably lost the trust of a lot of loyal customers.

No matter what you sell, it’s important that you make sure every single product works before it is sold to the public.