Home Improvement

How to Avoid Water Damage


<a></a>How to Avoid Water Damage

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Although most of us love a good splash in the rain and totally enjoy sleeping in late on a rainy day, there are some downsides to the rain. One of these downsides is getting damage to our houses due to water.

This article talks about how you can avoid water damage to your house. Also, see here for Water Damage Restoration San Diego.

Go After the Little Leaks

Oftentimes, we ignore little leaks because we assume that they are too small to do any real damage. However, this mentality is dangerous because even if a leak is small, the fact that it is leaking water 24/7 will affect you.

In addition, if there is one leak, there is a chance that there are two leaks. Double or three times a small leak can contribute greatly to a flood.

Seek out leaks often and repair them

Keep the Gutters Clear

Gutters are built to help water pass out of your home safely. If these gutters become clogged, there will be no way for the water to go out. This could cause a flood or water damage.

Clear out your gutters and constantly check them to ensure they are clean. If you clean them constantly, the work won’t pile up and heavy rains won’t catch you unaware.

Know how to turn the water off

A stopcock is the main water switch to your entire home. In the case of a flood caused by a large leakage, a stopcock can be your saving grace.

It is important that you know where the stop cock is as well as how to use it.

If you have any other people leaving with you, ensure that they also know where it is.

Purchase a Leak Detector

A leak detector is a game-changer. This electronic device can monitor your pipes and let you know when there is a leak or flooding.

Install a leak detector in places that are most likely to leak such as attics, laundry rooms, bathrooms, etc

Fix Your Chimney

If your chimney has a leak, water has a very free and open channel to get into your home and cause damage.

Constantly inspect your chimney and act fast on any leak.

Inspect Your Roof

Just as with your chimney, your roof is another avenue for water to get in. Carrying out routine checks on your roof around the house is a smart thing to do as it alerts you of a leakage soon enough.

Monitor Your Pipes and Drains

Checking to be sure that your pipes and drains are flowing well is an excellent step to take to avoid water damage.

If you constantly pour things like grease and or other materials that can block your pipes, you need to start monitoring your pipes and stop pouring such things in your sink.

A blocked drain or pipe can cause a small leak which will go bigger quickly.

Final Thoughts?

Water damage is an expensive headache that no one wants. Luckily, if you are proactive enough, you won’t have to deal with it at all.