
Things to Consider When Applying for a Job in Singapore


Things to Consider When Applying for a Job in Singapore

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If you have a job, why give it up? But if you think of looking for a job in Singapore, there are always better jobs to apply for. Instead of just looking for jobs with a fancy title and higher pay, consider the following factors before applying:

1) Job stability

In an unstable economy where jobs can be scarce at times, it is probably not wise to go into jobs requiring long internships or only to offer you a one-year contract. Job stability is important in ensuring that you have enough time to find another job should yours close down unexpectedly. Jobs in Singapore that are more stable involve jobs where experience is seen as valuable.

2) Short term contracts

Some jobs in Singapore provide contract positions where agreements can be broken off with minimal notice and little compensation for you, the worker. While most full-time jobs will give you a month’s worth of notice before termination, short-term contracts can leave workers stranded due to abrupt closure or restructuring. If your family depends heavily on your income, it is probably not wise to take up this kind of work where there is no sense of permanency in employment.

3) Job requirements

Before applying for any job, do some research to find out if you meet the job requirements. For example, if the job requires three years of experience in a related field and you only have one year under your belt, it would be best to apply for something else where you are qualified. If you want to apply anyway, consider seeking advice from experienced workers working in the same field who can tell you how to face interview questions regarding your lack of experience.

4) Job scope

When applying for a job in Singapore, note whether your work will replicate what you’ve done before or if there is room for growth within the company. It’s easy to get bored with just doing one thing over and over again, especially if it’s not what you’re used to. If you are using new skills, make sure there are opportunities for growth within the company or department before signing up.

5) Job environment

It is also important to consider working under a boss who can overlook your mistakes without taking everything personally. It’s much better working in an environment where criticism is constructive, and actions are discussed instead of just providing orders without much explanation. Before applying for any job, find out how much autonomy your bosses give their subordinates so that you know how much freedom you have when doing the work assigned to you.

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6) Job flexibility

Before applying for any job in Singapore, it is good to know the working hours before you accept the position. While most full-time jobs in Singapore will include working at least five days a week and eight hours each day, some require longer working hours with no overtime pay included. If you already have kids or plan on starting one in the future, it would be best to avoid demanding jobs where you are stuck at work for more than ten hours a day.

7) Location

Last but not least, consider what your family thinks about the location of the company you are applying for. Most companies will list their location so you can check if it is near your home or the home of other family members. It’s also good to think about what you want in terms of convenience, for instance, whether you’ll need to make use of public transport since most companies don’t include cars as part of their benefits package.