
How much do life insurance agents make?


How much do life insurance agents make?

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The insurance market has been gaining the eyes of those looking for a profitable career to follow. But have you ever stopped thinking if it’s a really promising profession or how much an insurance agent earns? In the first four months of 2021 alone, the segment increased 15.1% compared to the same period of the previous year.

Even in the midst of the pandemic, these positive numbers attracted a large portion of people who until then did not see the insurance market as a priority for their professional careers.

So, how much do life insurance agents make? Before you become an insurance agent online, you must know how much you will earn in return for the services you provide.

What is the salary of an insurance agent?

One of the most frequently asked questions when we talk about entering the insurance market is whether the life insurance agent has a base salary and commissions, and sales bonuses. The answer is yes! The agent who opts for the CLT regime receives a fixed salary in the portfolio.

According to a survey by the site, the novice agent receives an average of R$1,434.52 in the work portfolio. Level 2 and 3 agents receive, on average, respectively, R$1,622.77 and R$1,949.32.

The agent who chooses to work as an individual has a less stable remuneration. A large tax discount further affects the monthly income of those who opt for this work regime. So, if you want to become a life insurance agent,ensure you choose wisely.

It is important to point out that the life insurance agent who works under the CLT regime can earn more than the base value. Everything will depend on the number of sales and renovations, among other points that can generate more value in commission for your remuneration.

What is the commission of a life insurance agent?

The commission is a hotly debated topic among life insurance agent. After all, many factors can vary the amount each one can receive from their services. The branches are the main factor of this variation. 

It is worth mentioning that commissions are variable income; everything will depend on the behavior of customers, which sales strategies they are using, clear communication, the country’s financial moment, and several other factors.

Which is more worthwhile: individual or legal entity?

After taking the certification from Susep, this is one of the insurance agent’s big decisions. There is no option that is more advantageous than the other, but the one that makes the most sense with what you are looking for for your business in the short, medium, and long term. Acting in this way, the life insurance agent who has an income of up to fifteen thousand per month will have a discount of 13% in tax charges on commissions.

As an individual, the agent has more work autonomy, and the receipts are in the Autonomous Payment Receipt (RPA) format, different from the traditional invoice. However, tax discounts are a little higher, reaching up to 40% depending on the closed sales format.

What remains is the importance of researching very well. It is worth going after all the data and information necessary to understand what best fits your profile and goals. If you want to become a life insurance agent, you should know how much these experts earn.

Final Words

The work of an insurance agent isn’t to be taken lightly. It’s a profession that can enable you to earn some money. With the experience and the development of your portfolio, you will have more and more clients and make more money. Understanding how much they earn is imperative, and this guide has helped you know that.