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Faster Time-to-Market with In Vitro Skin Irritation Testing


Faster Time-to-Market with In Vitro Skin Irritation Testing

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Working in product development is no mean feat. There are plenty of pressures on teams to bring products to market safely, effectively, and these days, extremely quickly. For example, industries such as personal care, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics must balance this need for speed with the importance of ensuring that products don’t risk causing skin irritation. While several methods have been utilised for skin irritation in the past, including animal testing, animal rights concerns have driven the development of less expensive, more accurate, ethical and quicker solutions. In vitro skin irritation testing is now crucial to product development, as it is more cost-effective, efficient, and faster.

Here, we ask the experts at Gentronix to explain more about this method and describe its benefits for product developers and businesses alike. 

What Is In Vitro Irritation Testing?

In vitro skin irritation testing is a laboratory method that has been developed to assess whether a substance has the potential to cause skin irritation. These methods use reconstructed human skin models that closely model the function and structure of human skin. When applying a test substance to these in vitro models, researchers can measure its effects on cell viability, the release of inflammatory markers and any tissue damage they might cause.

The benefits of In Vitro Testing For Product Development 

As well as eliminating the need to test products on animals, there are various benefits of in vitro testing for product development:

  • Quicker results—In vitro tests typically produce much faster results than traditional methods. Usually, animal studies may take weeks or months to complete, while some in vitro tests can take a few days or weeks to produce data.
  • Less complexity—When conducting in vitro tests, there is likely to be less need for specialised equipment and expertise. This reduction in resources simplifies testing and can reduce delays.
  • Regulatory acceptance – Regulatory agencies worldwide now accept in vitro methods for market. With the European Union’s ban on the sale of cosmetics that have been animal tested, in vitro methods provide a great way to gain regulatory approval quickly and bring products to market that much faster.

The benefits of in vitro testing

As well as the benefits we mentioned above, businesses involved in product development can also see:

  • Reduced costs – Typically, in vitro tests are much cheaper than animal studies. This can result in significant savings that can be passed on to customers, allowing businesses to produce products at lower costs and capture their market much more easily.
  • Better public image—Many people refuse to purchase products that have been tested on animals, which means that in vitro testing may give a business producing cosmetics or other products a better reputation with its customer base.
  • Quicker market access – As in vitro testing is approved by many regulatory agencies, companies who opt for this method could see their products make it to market much quicker.

What’s next for skin irritation testing?

In vitro skin irritation testing is becoming the preferred method for product development teams. In the future, the technology used to assess results is expected to advance to offer greater accuracy on predicted results. As more data is collected, the ability of product development teams to devise workarounds for skin sensitivity will continue to improve.

However, you must work with a team of experts when conducting such testing. That way, you can be sure that any analysis of your products is done safely, ethically, and accurately, keeping regulatory requirements in mind.