Design & Development

10 Steps You Need to Know to Speed Up Android App Development


10 Steps You Need to Know to Speed Up Android App Development

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These days, digital applications have started to work at a much higher pace and so there is the launch of new trends. But if you want to know about the reliable trend that works the most, it is surely the android app making. The basics of developing an android app will essentially allow the app developers  to know of the smart hacks of how to set-up the required environment. An android business will not run effectively unless you speed up the app because a slow and sluggish mobile app will turn your business into a nightmare!

To engage more users and feature a better performance from your phone, it is worth trying the advanced android app development services. If you want to develop an app for your business, you should know how to market the products and target the quality audiences? Should the developer community create high quality modern apps or start trying the expensive upgrade? Or, else, you can add the extra performance from your current device?  Yes, you need to learn how to create a faster web app!

Ways to Make Your Android App Work Faster

Let’s dive in to know of the possible ways in which you can reduce the cost and release the app quicker. If you start exploring a few ways in which you can speed up the app development process, you need to consider tools to make the process much faster.

Speeding up app development is a multi-faceted initiative and it becomes much easier if you cite the essential tools. The application of tools and tricks will help in shortening the release cycle of android apps functioning and also it will be useful in fixing bugs. The android app development Sydney considers app guidelines as part of their app design procedure.

In this post, you will encounter different steps to know of accelerating the speed of your android app development.

(1) Update Mobile Device

Yes, all of us make use of android mobile phones and are well versed with the app applications. It is worth checking whether your device is up to date. Whenever you see the android app market, will find that the newer version of android comes in your mobile. When it comes to Android update, you can refer to the notable aspects such as a bug fix, updated UI ski. If you have several apps on your phone, you need to check the updates separately.

(2)  Have a Clear HomeScreen

If you use an android device, you need to clear the home screen for a while. Most of us love to create a bright appearance on our mobile screen. So, here it goes to add the home screens with a live wallpaper. A live wallpaper is all about the widgets covered in social feeds, news, and weather. Avoid using multiple screens and frame the layout with a single page to folders.

(3)  Make the Mobile Development Agile

When you have to speed up the android app development process, you need to make it agile. To ensure the process, you need to create the MVP. If you start incorporating the Minimum Viable product, you will find that you can check the response towards the app and also can count the effectiveness. We know that customer’s feedback is really important and it helps in defining the best efforts. So, to make faster  android app development services, the app developers can design the features accordingly.

(4) Use the Hybrid App

 Another smart technique that you need to adopt for the android app development process is to launch the cross-platform app or better known as the hybrid app. If you want to reduce your time in android app making, surely we will refer to opt for the same and it is achievable because of the cutting-edge technologies of the app.  So, researchers can use the programming languages such as Xamarin, React Native, and Abode to apply the same code in building every platform.

(5)  The Advantages of the Automated Process

Nowadays, software users prefer smooth running of android apps. So, they need to welcome the trend of automated testing. Actually, it helps in avoiding the glitches and bugs in software applications. Therefore, they need to upgrade it with this kind of service. With minimalistic resources, automated testing is conducted. Moreover, the advanced method helps to detect the bugs, and avail suggestions to remove the bugs.

(6) Browse Faster

Whoever uses the android phone, wants to make use of the quick browsing. So, to speed up the browsing experience, try to enable the ‘Data Saver’ mode in chrome. You can make gains out of this feature because there is lower data usage and faster load times. Prior to usage, you need to know that it hurts the image quality and you should send the google for compression and here the data speed may get affected.

(7) The Flexible Team Size

The android app development Sydney refers to the practice of managing a flexi team size. What is required the most to efficiently manage the team size of the company and not  to do  hiring various components of the development team. You may require the efficiency of a tester, project manager, UI/UX designer. What is the correct technique of hiring the skilled forces? Yes, the experienced firm will provide the essential resources for the app development and it will be a cost-effective attempt.

(8)  Check the Functionality of the Low-fidelity Wireframes

You will agree that going headfirst in the app development process is not necessary. Instead, you need to maintain the crucial step leading the progress of the app development procedure. The notion of warframe is to help in framing a clear picture of the development team. So, you start hiring the testers, designers, developers, and project managers. In fact, if you want to have a clear image of the development team, the detailed and fluid low-fidelity wireframes support a lot. Thus, it will help in doing the project efficiently.

(9) Hire the Flexible Developers

 Experienced android app developers to speed up the app development process. They possess the right knowledge to guide you through the expected hacks. To upgrade the skills of your project, you need to hire flexible developers.

(10)  Choose Reliable Android App Tools

To speed up the android app development services, it’s good to use the speedier development tools for your project. But the selection of the tools need to be real as well as cost-effective. It will help in catering the customer’s needs precisely.


When you are investing for faster android app development, you need to get the maximum performance out of it. Marketers will agree that the potential way to outgrow customers is to make use of android app development services. Hence, planning out the business strategy with business experts is required the most.