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11 Tips to Control Grease in Your Commercial Kitchen


11 Tips to Control Grease in Your Commercial Kitchen

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To effectively manage grease in your commercial kitchen, implementing these 11 tips is pivotal.

From maintaining your grease trap to incorporating FOG guidelines in staff training, each step plays an essential role in preventing issues like clogs and odors.

By following these recommendations, you not only secure a cleaner and safer kitchen environment but also streamline your daily operations.

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Key Takeaways

  • Follow manufacturer’s cleaning guidelines for grease trap maintenance.
  • Implement policy to scrape excess grease and use sink strainers.
  • Collect and dispose of waste oil properly to prevent plumbing issues.
  • Dry wipe dishware before cleaning to reduce FOG buildup.
  • Install and maintain in-sink strainers to prevent costly clogs.

Maintain Grease Trap Regularly

Sustain that your grease trap is regularly serviced to secure efficient function in your commercial kitchen. Keeping up with routine maintenance not only secures smooth operations but also extends the lifespan of your equipment.

Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for cleaning frequency, or consider hiring a professional cleaning service to handle the task. Neglecting your grease trap can lead to clogs, foul odors, and potential health violations.

Minimize Grease in Sinks

To minimize grease in sinks, make sure you post No Grease signs near them and dishwashers. These signs serve as a visual reminder for staff to be mindful of what goes down the drain.

Implement a policy where all kitchen staff are required to scrape excess grease and food particles into the trash before washing dishes.

Encourage the use of strainers in sink drains to catch any remaining grease or solid waste.

By taking these simple steps, you can notably reduce the amount of grease that enters your kitchen sinks, helping to prevent clogs and maintain a more efficient plumbing system.

Keep your sinks grease-free by being proactive in managing what goes down the drain.

Reuse Waste Cooking Oil

Consider turning your waste cooking oil into revenue by selling it to companies that convert it into biodiesel fuel. Reusing waste oil not only helps the environment but also provides a source of income for your commercial kitchen.

Here are some tips to effectively manage your waste cooking oil:

  1. Collect Waste Oil in a Sealed Container: Use a designated container to store used oil safely.
  2. Regularly Schedule Oil Pick-Ups: Arrange for companies to collect the waste oil promptly.
  3. Keep Records of Oil Disposal: Maintain a log of how much waste oil is collected and sold.
  4. Ensure Proper Handling of Oil: Train staff on safe handling practices to prevent spills and accidents.

Dry Wipe Dishware Before Cleaning

To minimize the amount of FOG entering your grease trap, start by dry wiping dishware, pans, and pots before cleaning them in your commercial kitchen. By removing excess grease and food particles before washing, you can notably reduce the risk of clogs and buildup in your plumbing system.

A quick wipe with a paper towel or cloth can go a long way in preventing these issues. This simple step not only helps in maintaining a cleaner kitchen environment but also contributes to the efficiency of your grease trap.

Less FOG entering the trap means fewer plumbing problems and less frequent trap cleanings, saving you time and money in the long run.

Use In-Sink Strainers

Install in-sink strainers to prevent unwanted waste from clogging your drains easily. These simple tools can save you from costly plumbing issues and keep your kitchen running smoothly.

Here are some tips for using in-sink strainers effectively:

  1. Regularly Empty Strainers: Avoid buildup by emptying strainers frequently.
  2. Rinse Strainers After Use: Clean strainers after each use to prevent odors and blockages.
  3. Use a Brush: Consider using a brush to dislodge stubborn food particles caught in the strainer.
  4. Inspect for Wear and Tear: Check strainers for any damage and replace them if needed to maintain their effectiveness.

Dispose Food Waste Properly

Regularly disposing of food waste in the correct manner is essential for maintaining a clean and efficient commercial kitchen. Proper disposal involves separating food waste from other types of waste and ensuring it’s disposed of with solid waste rather than down the drain. Food waste can quickly lead to foul odors, attract pests, and create unsanitary conditions if not handled appropriately.

Implementing a clear waste disposal system and educating your staff on the importance of following these procedures can help prevent blockages in drains and maintain a hygienic kitchen environment. By taking the time to dispose of food waste properly, you can reduce the risk of clogs, keep your kitchen running smoothly, and uphold sanitation standards.

Pour Grease in Designated Areas

Dispose of grease in designated areas to prevent environmental contamination and legal repercussions. Follow these guidelines to guarantee proper disposal:

  1. Utilize Sealable Containers: Pour cooled grease into sealable containers.
  2. Identify Containers: Clearly label containers as ‘Used Grease’ to avoid confusion.
  3. Keep in Cool Areas: Store containers in cool areas to prevent leakage or odors.
  4. Dispose at Approved Facilities: Take sealed containers to approved facilities for proper disposal.

Clean Exhaust Filters Regularly

To maintain a safe kitchen environment free from fire hazards, make certain you clean the exhaust filters regularly. Neglecting this task can lead to a buildup of grease in the filters, increasing the risk of a fire breaking out in your kitchen.

Cleaning the exhaust filters on a regular basis guarantees that grease accumulation is kept to a minimum, reducing the potential for a dangerous situation. Set a schedule for cleaning the filters and make certain it’s adhered to diligently.

Regular maintenance not only prevents fire risks but also helps maintain the efficiency of your kitchen ventilation system. By taking the time to clean the exhaust filters, you’re actively contributing to a safer working environment for you and your staff.

Cover Outdoor FOG Containers

Make certain to cover your outdoor FOG containers to prevent used cooking oil from contaminating storm drains.

Here are four tips to help you keep your outdoor FOG containers secure:

  1. Use Tight-Fitting Lids: Ensure that your containers have lids that seal tightly to prevent any oil from spilling out.
  2. Place Containers on Elevated Platforms: Keep the containers elevated to avoid contact with rainwater, which could cause spills and leaks.
  3. Regularly Inspect for Damage: Check the containers for any cracks or leaks and repair them promptly to prevent oil from escaping.
  4. Secure Containers Away from Drainage Systems: Position the containers away from storm drains and wastewater systems to minimize the risk of oil entering these channels.

Clean Kitchen Floors Regularly

Regularly clean your kitchen floors to prevent slipping hazards caused by grease accumulation. Grease buildup on floors can create dangerous conditions for you and your staff. Use a degreaser or hot, soapy water to effectively remove grease from the floor surface.

Make sure to clean not only the visible areas but also the corners and spaces under equipment where grease tends to accumulate. Implement a daily cleaning routine and consider using non-slip mats in high-risk areas.

Include FOG Rules in Staff Training

Assure your staff is well-trained in following FOG rules for effective grease management in the commercial kitchen. Here are some essential tips to include in your staff training:

  1. Educate on FOG Sources:
  2. Explain where FOG originates from in the kitchen.
  3. Emphasize the significance of proper disposal methods.
  4. Demonstrate Proper Grease Handling:
  5. Show how to gather and dispose of grease accurately.
  6. Train staff on the dangers of improper grease management.
  7. Implement Regular Maintenance Procedures:
  8. Teach how to clean grease traps and filters regularly.
  9. Stress the responsibility of each staff member in grease control.
  10. Provide Emergency Response Training:
  11. Instruct on actions to take in case of a grease spill.
  12. Ensure staff knows how to manage grease-related emergencies.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Use Hot Water to Clean My Grease Trap?

Yes, you can use hot water to clean your grease trap. Hot water helps dissolve grease buildup. Remember to follow manufacturer’s recommendations and ensure the trap is thoroughly cleaned for best performance.

How Often Should I Replace In-Sink Strainers?

You should replace in-sink strainers regularly to maintain peak performance. Inspect them weekly for clogs or wear, and replace as needed to prevent grease buildup. Proper upkeep guarantees efficient drainage and prevents plumbing issues.

Are There Regulations for Discarding Used Cooking Oil?

When discarding used cooking oil, make sure you follow regulations. Avoid pouring oil in sinks or toilets to prevent environmental harm and legal issues. Find designated places for disposal to protect the environment and adhere to laws.

What Cleaning Products Should I Avoid on Kitchen Floors?

Avoid using harsh chemicals like bleach or ammonia on kitchen floors. These can damage surfaces and pose health risks. Opt for gentle, grease-cutting cleaners suitable for commercial kitchens. Keep your floors clean and safe!

How Do I Ensure Staff Follow FOG Management Rules Effectively?

To guarantee staff follow FOG management rules effectively, clearly communicate expectations, provide thorough training, and offer regular reminders. Implement consequences for non-compliance and lead by example in maintaining a clean and grease-free kitchen environment.


To wrap up, following these 11 tips to control grease in your commercial kitchen won’t only help maintain a clean environment but also save time and money on maintenance in the long run.

By implementing these practices and encouraging staff to follow them, you can prevent clogs, odors, and health violations while ensuring smooth kitchen operations.

Remember, a little effort now can go a long way in the future with Cre8flow.