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From the Ashes (2024) – A Saudi Thriller Unravelling Tragedy


From the Ashes (2024) – A Saudi Thriller Unravelling Tragedy

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Netflix has brought us the latest Saudi film, From the Ashes 2024. After the mixed reviews of Naga last year, this emotional thriller takes center stage. Directed by Khaled Fahed, the film delves into a real-life incident, blending reality with fiction to create a captivating narrative. With a limited runtime of one and a half hours, let’s explore what From the Ashes has to offer.


Set in an all-girls school, From the Ashes unfolds after a tragic fire leaves several dead and injured. Directed by Khaled Fahed, the film stars Shaima AlTayeb, Khayria Abu Laban, Adwa Fahad, Darin AlBayed, and Aesha AlRefai. The story investigates whether the fire was caused by personal enmity or a plan by bullies.

What Works:

From the Ashes starts innocently, immersing us in the daily life of an all-female school. The first 45 minutes lay the groundwork, addressing issues like male hegemony, the traditional education system, and the control over female rights in the Middle East.

The film takes flight in the second half, focusing on the aftermath of the fire. The portrayal of blame-shifting introduces a compelling mystery, creating a “whodunnit” sensation. The background score, while not exceptional, complements the storytelling.

An engrossing end provides closure, answering lingering questions.

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The cast, including Shaima AlTayeb and others, delivers commendable performances. However, due to limited information on their names, individual performances can’t be detailed. The young girls, especially those playing bullies, showcase the horror of the tragedy effectively.

What Doesn’t Work:

The initial half of From the Ashes lacks gripping moments, venturing into a realm of blandness. The film’s sluggish pacing overshadows its thematic content, making it feel unnecessarily prolonged.

Emotional impact falls flat, with crucial moments failing to evoke intended reactions. The film’s attempt to be unpredictable with twists doesn’t hide suspense effectively.

Omitting English credits hampers global accessibility, puzzling viewers.

Stream or Skip?

While the first half may tempt you to consider skipping, the curiosity to uncover the truth in the second half makes it worth a watch. Give it a chance for its thought-provoking narrative.

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Detailed Review:

From the Ashes unfolds in a girls-only school, exploring the aftermath of a tragic fire. Directed by Khaled Fahed, the film stars Shaima AlTayeb, Khayria Abu Laban, Adwa Fahad, Darin AlBayed, and Aesha AlRefai. Set against the backdrop of real-life incidents, the narrative unfolds as investigations reveal potential causes behind the devastating fire.

Engagement and Exploration:

The film navigates the challenges faced by girls in the Middle East, shedding light on male hegemony, the traditional education system, and the control over female rights. It begins innocently, immersing viewers in the daily life of an all-female school. The initial 45 minutes set the stage for later thrilling developments.

Mystery and Compelling Elements:

From the Ashes truly takes flight in the second half, focusing on the fire incident and its aftermath. The film adeptly handles blame-shifting, introducing a compelling mystery element. The “whodunnit” sensation intertwined with the plot keeps viewers engaged.

Emotional Impact and Closure:

The heartbreaking realization that such a tragedy could happen to teenagers adds a poignant layer to the narrative. The film’s attempt to evoke emotions succeeds in the second half, providing a much-needed closure. The background score, while not exceptional, adequately complements the storytelling.

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Performances and Challenges:

The cast, including Shaima AlTayeb and others, delivers commendable performances. However, due to limited information on their names, individual performances can’t be detailed. The young girls, especially those playing bullies, effectively showcase the horror of the tragedy.

Drawbacks and Puzzling Choices:

The initial half lacks gripping moments, venturing into a realm of blandness that may tempt viewers to consider a brief cinematic break. The film’s sluggish pacing overshadows its thematic content, feeling unnecessarily prolonged. Emotional impact falls flat, with crucial moments failing to evoke intended reactions.

Revelations that should prompt teary-eyed reactions are conspicuously absent, and impactful, heart-wrenching moments are noticeably absent from the viewing experience. The film tries to be unpredictable with twists but fails to hide the suspense properly.

Adding to the list of drawbacks, it’s puzzling why the Middle Eastern creators persist in omitting English credits. Including them would undoubtedly enhance the global accessibility of their films.

Streaming Recommendation:

There are reasons to consider skipping the first half of From the Ashes, but the curiosity to know what transpired on the fateful day will keep you on the edge of your seat in the second half. Despite its flaws, give it a chance for its thought-provoking narrative.

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In-Depth Analysis:

From the ashes Netflix brings to light the challenges faced by young women in a Saudi Arabian all-girls school after a tragic fire incident. Despite the film’s shortcomings in technical aspects, such as cinematography and score, its impact lies in the power of its story.

Cultural Insights:

The film provides insightful glimpses into the workings of all-girls schools in Saudi Arabia. It touches on the many rules the girls must follow and the desperation to attend school despite these restrictions. More importantly, it portrays the struggles and restrictions imposed on female students, emphasizing societal norms within the Saudi context.

Drama Over Thriller:

While the premise suggests a thriller mystery, From the Ashes leans more towards drama. It explores subjects like jealousy, comparing students, parental challenges, school bullying, and societal norms within the overarching tragic plot. The film feels overdramatized and overacted, lacking an element of suspense.

Moral Messaging and Lengthy Focus:

The film carries a lot of moral messaging, common in films inspired by real-life incidents. With a runtime of one and a half hours, it spends considerable time showcasing the rules imposed on the girls. The narrative, at times, feels messy but gradually comes together by the end.

Impact Despite Imperfections:

Technically, the film falters in various aspects, from cinematography to score. The screenplay and direction struggle with inconsistency and missed opportunities for heightened emotional impact. Despite these imperfections, From the Ashes draws viewers into the heart of an unfortunate accident, exploring the intricacies of the human experience and the aftermath of a life-altering event, specifically in Saudi Arabia.

Cultural Representation:

In its pursuit of cultural representation, from the ashes movie takes a noteworthy step. It contributes to the evolving cinematic landscape of Saudi Arabia, inviting audiences to engage in a dialogue about uncharted territory. The film sparks conversations about societal norms and cultural nuances, offering viewers a glimpse into a world that may be unfamiliar to them.


From the Ashes rises as a film with noble intentions—to shed light on challenges faced by young women in a Saudi Arabian all-girls school amidst a tragic incident. While the execution may be flawed, and the film leans more towards drama than thriller, it contributes to cultural representation. Despite its imperfections, From the Ashes offers a thought-provoking narrative, making it a decent watch for those interested in exploring different cultural perspectives.