Health & Fitness

How to put on and put off your black sclera Halloween contacts


How to put on and put off your black sclera Halloween contacts

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Black Halloween contacts or black sclera Halloween contacts have been a very popular choice among consumers looking to stand out in Halloween. But, you here a lot of complaints from individuals that they are having trouble putting on the sclera contacts or if they have managed to put them on, they are facing trouble getting them off.

That is why we are going to guide you as to how you can put them on an off with ease

How To Put In Black Sclera Contacts

There are basically two ways to insert sclera lenses on your eyes. But first start by washing your hands and dry them off with a lint-free towel.  Gently place the lens onto your palm to inspect it for any dust particles or deposits or any other issue. Now then we move onto the two ways to insert them.

1. The “Looking Up Method” – (just like inserting regular colored contacts.)

Place the lens, cup side up, on top of your finger and thumb, like a tripod.

First hold your upper eyelid and lower eyelid to prevent blinking during the insertion.  Try to turn your head up a little and look up or just face forward in front of a mirror.

Just place the lens on the upper part of the eye before you slide it into your eye. Carefully release your eyelids one by one, first the upper one then the lower one. This should slip the lens into place in the center of your eye.

Repeat this process with the second lens.

2. The “Looking Down Method”

Put a towel on the table  and set a small mirror on top of the towel.

Place the lens, cup side up on your finger and thumb just like in the first step.

Fill up the bowl of the lens with the rinsing solution which came with the lenses or suggested by your eye care practitioner. Tilt your head above the mirror and put your chin down in the direction of your chest so that your face is parallel with the floor.  It may seem like you are almost standing on your head when you have corrected yourself in the  position to apply the lens.

Hold the upper lid with your index finger and lower lid with your thumb. Remember to keep both your eyes open as wide as possible. Look into the mirror as you insert the black halloween contacts directly on the surface of your eye. Gradually let go of the upper lid and then the lower lid to let the sclera lens slip in place.

Repeat this procedure with the second lens.

Safely Removing Sclera Contacts

1. Again, first wash your hand and dry them off with a lint free towel.

2. Keep looking up and then lower your lower eyelid with your index finger.

3. Slide the lens downward with your finger from the lower edge of the lens.

4. Press the lens lightly between the thumb and the index finger and then softly take out the “folded up” lens from the eye.

5. If the lens is troubling you during the removal process, place a few comfort drops in your eye, let it get comfortable then move to remove the lens.

6. Once removed, place the lens in your palm and move on to cleaning the lens.

How to Clean Your Sclera Lenses After You’ve Taken Them Out

1. Cleaning and disinfecting the lens after usage is very important.

2. To start you need to drop a few drops of daily contacts all purpose solution on to your palm.

3. Slowly and carefully rub one side of the lens with the solution on your palm of your hand with your index finger for about 4-5 seconds. When this is done, repeat the step after turning the lens upside down.

4. Wash the lens carefully with more all purpose solution. Make sure you use only the all purpose solution or something suggested by your eye care professional. Avoid using any home made products, it may damage your eyes.

5. Put the lens in the storage and fill it with the all purpose solution, the vial or storage of sclera would be bigger than the storage cases or vials of other lenses

Tips for the Wear and Care of Sclera Contacts

1. It can take a few minutes for your eye to getting used to the lens; In case of feeling a dry sensation in your eye blink several times or apply a few drops

2. Keep your lens away from the sink or washroom basin, if it falls in it you would have to disinfect it again, whether you are wearing it or putting it back in the storage.

3. Washing your hands to clean them off any cosmetic substance. If anything sticks to the lens, it will cause irritation in the eye. So be careful.

4. Keep away from using your fingernails when handling contact lenses.  Lenses are frail and can tear, scratch and rip easily if not managed carefully.

5. It is sensible to place solution in your lens carrying case and keep it with you at all times. You may have to remove them anytime due to an emergency or any other reason.

6. It is recommended to not wear sclera lens for more than 4 hours, especially if you are wearing them for the first time.

7. If your eyes experience drynes during or after wearing contact lenses, immediately use rewetting drops to lubricate your eyes. This is particularly essential for full black contact lenses as they cover a larger part of your eyes. Because of this less oxygen reaches the eye and this can cause dryness and irritation.

8. Sclera contacts are intended to fit most eyes, however some people will find them inconvenient, too small or too large to fit in. 

Also ask your practitioner if sclera contacts will suit you.