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How can your physical business be easier to spot and more tempting to visit?


How can your physical business be easier to spot and more tempting to visit?

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The fight these days seems to be born between the infrastructure of the brands’ websites instead of the infrastructure of what lies in front of their brick-and-mortar venues. However, you shouldn’t fall into the trap of thinking that a physical presence has long vanished from customers’ minds. Consumers are returning to physical stores – even if it’s not to make direct purchases there. They want to analyse products, feel their textures, or form an opinion about customer service’s friendliness. 

From storefront to signage to the cement under the ground, every physical detail speaks volumes for your brand, meaning you can’t afford to leave the storefront, pathways, signage, and location to chance. Without further ado, let’s see what catches and retains visitors’ attention these days and urges them to walk through your brick-and-mortar venue’s door.

Always care for your parklet, paths, and patio

There are numerous low-maintenance and affordable techniques to validate and sell your idea, even if it’s small-scale. We’re telling you up-front that the front of your business venue offers as many insights into your business as the storefront, signage, property’s size, and even online page do.

Whether the space leading up to your store’s doorway is part of your rental or not, a makeover or simply regular upkeep can take you a long way. Imagine a big-ticket luxury brand selling offerings in a space where the driveway’s cobblestone is chipped. Many pretentious potential customers will avoid visiting the venue for the simple fact that the front’s layout doesn’t reflect the brand’s upscale reputation. Since you don’t want to put off prospective buyers, you could look up different services like barrowing offerings, provided by professionals together with advice regarding the operation’s unfolding so clients can handle it themselves and get the work done rapidly and expertly. 

Real estate participants, whether we talk about proprietors or constructors, know how much the lookout of the venue’s entry can take the selling price up or down, which is why you won’t see successful negotiators skimping on things like the investment directed to the patio or driveway. A cost-effective, high-quality-looking entrance will pay off in the long run, meaning that you’ll profit from your investment for years to come, being left with the one responsibility of ensuring the handiwork’s upkeep. 

Avoid making the same signage mistakes as your rivals 

Have you ever considered what your business’s signage says about your offerings? This seemingly insignificant sign speaks volumes about the experiences customers have with you, as everything from their upkeep to the invested budget conveys an idea about what you prioritise. 

As many signs are seen everywhere, we cannot tell the same about their significance. Some are well-maintained but fail to convey the intended message, while others exist as mere identification signs but lack advertising purposes. Numerous other signs have fabulous marketing behind them, and heavy upkeep investment, but the design is so off-putting that the business is recognised by the outlay’s nastiness instead of the signage’s strong points.  

Stick to some signage directives 

Fortunately, you don’t have to blow a fortune to shoot three birds with the same stone. That is, you’ll respect some rules, like the following: 

  • Use signs at numerous sightlines besides your storefront, like on intersection cranes or nearby popular hot spots. Crane lettering, for instance, is proven to boost the brand’s awareness and presence, while monument signage makes your business appear uniquely friendly, as customers will feel greeted inside your brick-and-mortar. 
  • Pay attention to light and learn that it’s not limited to traditional signage. It’s incredible how far some placement creativity can take you. Use bright, safe, energy-efficient lighting to ensure you’re not spending fortunes but making your venue stand out. Don’t overlook colour, as it is the most efficient way to transmit the desired message. Contrasting colours will make your directive pop. 
  • Attach design elements, look through textures and material options, and consider whether the signage should depict the space as futuristic, vintage, modern, etc. Sign planning and design ultimately boil down to your creativity, so you can’t mess it up when you’re guided by the right experts for your wayfinding and storefront attachments.

Don’t fear changing locations

You’re likely fed up with the “location” cliché if you’ve been long eyeing rentals, but guess why it’s so oft-repeated. Where your brick-and-mortar business is located defines everything from the number to the type of customers that go through your door. Thus, if your business bottom line is depressing, maybe the problem is that you need a new place instead of new staff or suppliers. The weight carried by your new space is not to be neglected, and not even the dire real estate situation should demoralise you to the point where your first priority and choosing criteria become the price tag.

Do you envision your retail location on the most populated stretch near the city centre to seize the most foot traffic around? Or would it be wiser to locate nearby suppliers or manufacturers to slash the expenses associated with logistics and transportation? What if you’re selling first-rate artisanal ice cream – then relocating near a national park or landmark would be worth a try if you’re confident in your products’ quality-to-price ratio.  

Besides all these, look up your competitors, too, as this aspect will offer an excellent departure place, to begin with. 

Supply uniforms to improve your brand’s professional image 

Employees wearing a specific uniform type that matches your brand’s vision and commercial purpose scream “professionalism” from a distance. There are, indeed, industries and spaces where such an investment wouldn’t necessarily make sense, such as the back of an office. But when we talk about the front people who should seem friendly and approachable, a high-quality garment that fits well sends a clear message that your business is invested in offering only the best services, products, and customer experience. 

Projecting an outstandingly professional image will help your brick-and-mortar venue attract passersby’s eyes more easily and impactfully. Even if they aren’t entering your place immediately, the memorable image of the hand-picked, inviting staff will stick to their retinas. It’s indubitable that white-collar employees convey a sense of confidence that is not easily findable everywhere, and what do all these have in common? You’ve guessed – uniforms. So, can you afford your employees not to stick out this way? 

So, where would your brick-and-mortar venue need improvement or a complete makeover?