
Quick Guide: Switch to a New Fulfillment Company Hassle-Free


Quick Guide: Switch to a New Fulfillment Company Hassle-Free

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Most transactions encounter mishaps like uncontrolled shipping functions. Once the order comes in, outsource fulfillment does the task for you. Unfortunately, it affects the business’s reputation negatively. That’s why sellers must review the performance. Sometimes, it deems necessary adjustments. As a result, merchants tend to switch to a new fulfillment company hassle-free. Below is a quick guide on how to do it. 

Why Switch to a New Fulfillment Company

Outsource fulfillment must be a good fit for a business. Failure to have one leads to devastating consequences. Listed below are some of the reasons why sellers switch to a new fulfillment company. 

Lack of advancement

The continuous evolution of eCommerce order fulfillment software comes along with the customer’s expectations. So, fulfillment service must keep up with the constant shift. But some providers do not apply any advancement. 

So, it affects the operations, facilities, and business expansion in a negative way. Thus, not meeting the customer’s expectations in mind. If this is the case, it means you need to shift to a new fulfillment center. 

Consistent order mess up.

The complete and on-time accomplishment of orders is the seller’s utmost priority. It speaks more about your reputation. Any issues about the holding inventory and shipment affect it as well. So, when an outsource part of the business fail, it damages your brand. It calls for the switch to a new fulfillment company. 

Basic technology

A fulfillment software is a must-have for any service company. Without it, order management capabilities are at stake. It provides insights for every order that comes through the warehouse. Plus, it helps address customer concerns. Unfortunately, a current provider with archaic technology can’t track everything going. So, think again if you’ll stay longer with them. It might be the time you have to switch to a new fulfillment company. 

Once you realize the need to change, look for a trusted company like Red Stag Fulfillment. It has expertise in packing and shipping products. Also, it offers services that you and the customers expect. 

Tips For a Hassle-free Switch to a New Fulfillment Company

Follow this guide when changing your current 3PL provider. It ensures the switch to a new fulfillment center is hassle-free. 

Set an interview

Research and interview help decide which fulfillment service is perfect for the shop. Ask the following questions to secure the right one for you. 

What sets you apart from other fulfillment centers? A scalable solution that offers beyond the basic service is an excellent choice. It doesn’t only focus on the traditional pick, pack, and ship legacy. Instead, it coordinates with the various aspects of the eCommerce supply chain. 

Does your technology complement our business? The best fulfillment service has a technology that works well with you. It involves the fulfillment software connected to the online store. Also, it understands how to improve and expand the business. 

Where are the fulfillment centers located? How many are they? A new fulfillment company must have other centers in different locations. So, it maintains the shipping costs low. Also, it offers 2-day customer shipping or expedited delivery options. Therefore, reaching more of the target market without breaking the bank. 

Check the supply chain.

Look into the supply chain. Make necessary adjustments in transit times from the manufacturer to the 3PL. Once you switch to a new fulfillment company, it impacts the chain. So, review the reorder inventory and quantity. The distance of the previous provider can affect it, too. 

A good logistics company helps handle 3PL with multiple fulfillment centers. Completing transactions comes with ease. Don’t forget to communicate the changes with the manufacturers. It ensures that every delivery goes to the new fulfillment company. 

Be in charge

A reputable fulfillment partner has an onboarding specialist to track your account. Assign someone from your team to work with them. Ensure that the one in charge manages the transition process at the utmost priority. 

The new fulfillment company guides the process of partnership. But it still needs the involvement and attention to detail from your team. It results in cohesive and accurate growth in the eCommerce business. 

Constant communication

Constant communication is the key to success in any venture. If you plan to switch to a new fulfillment company hassle-free, never assume anything. It is one of the biggest mistakes business owners make. 

Instead, always be open to opinions and suggestions. Also, timely response to their queries results in a smooth and successful transition. Also, don’t hesitate to ask questions. Always seek clarity of every detail. 

Stick to timeline

Look for a provider who layouts timelines and checklists upfront. They discuss all the information needed before going live. Also, they look back into other steps and tasks required to take place. Once you learn about this, stick to it. 

Taking shortcuts or speeding up the process might cost you more in the long run. So, make necessary changes based on the shop’s needs. Some transition takes more time, especially if there are many SKUs involved. An SKU number can help you automate your inventory process.

Update customers

In every transition, there is always a potential for the unexpected. Temporary shipping delay is one good example. As a solution, inform the customers about the changes that are about to happen. Let them know about the switch to a new fulfillment. 

Talking to buyers provides a better shopping experience for them. Also, it offers more shipping options to use. But it might result in a temporary delay while doing the changeover. In addition, showing transparency to buyers show how much you value them. Then, post the updates on the website, social networking sites, or others. 

Test and document

Before you go on full show, test the new fulfillment partner. Although mistakes are inevitable, ensure that they have ways to cut such incidence. Have a dry run on the first few weeks of orders coming in. Observe and document the data. 

Make sure to include errors, too, if there are some. Most importantly, take note of how your new provider manages it. If everything seems to go smooth, never assume it will be smooth sailing. Keep in mind that it’s the beginning of the real deal. 

It is quite troublesome when you switch to a new fulfillment company. But with the proper guidance, you can overcome it. It takes the order, prepares the products, and ships it straight to the customer’s doorstep. Get an excellent partner in expanding your eCommerce business.