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A How To Guide; How To Choose The Right Gaming Desk


A How To Guide; How To Choose The Right Gaming Desk

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As a gamer one of the most valuable pieces of gaming equipment you can invest in is your gaming desk. Choosing the right gaming desk is a pivotal decision in the career of a gamer because the desk can affect your gaming in more ways than you might have considered. The incorrect desk can see you being uncomfortable, in pain, struck for space, disorganized, and could even result in a reluctance to play or affect your skill level. You can see why getting the desk right is an important decision.

To help you get it right this article will demonstrate ways to help you choose the right gaming desk.

Size of the desk (and the space available)

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One of the most important aspects for consideration when choosing a gaming desk is the size of the desk. Your gaming desk will need to accommodate all of the essential accessories that you need for gameplay. Think mice, keyboards, multiple monitors, headphone storage, and cable access.

Before you can decide upon what size you want, or need, your desk to be you need to identify the space in which your desk is going to sit. Scour your available space for your desk. Avid gamers will spend a lot of time at their gaming desk so be sure that your desk is going to sit in a place (and room) you are comfortable spending prolonged periods in.

It goes without saying the smaller the desk the more pushed you will be for game setup space and this may result in a compromised layout. If you are working slim and do not have much space available when it comes to your gaming computer desks consider some of these space maximizing hacks.

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  • Clever add-ons such as under the desk keyboard trays and headphone hooks.
  • Corner gaming desks are a great solution for those tight on space as they allow for multiple monitors and additional space all the while fitting into a corner of a room. L-shaped desks optimize room space that is otherwise wasted.
  • Use wall space for shelves or storage solutions instead of the desk.

If space is not of the essence then you can fill your boots and opt for a gaming desk that fits the size of the space you need. There are no standard dimensions when it comes to gaming desks so you are free to choose a desk that gives you the space you need for comfortable gameplay.

Your budget

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Another important and often decisive factor is the budget you have available for your gaming desk. Of course, the budget available will be specific to you and once you have a figure in mind it is a good idea to identify key aspects of a gaming desk that are important to you. Do you need it to be height adjustable? Big enough for multiple monitors or complete with monitor risers? Once you have a priority list you can begin your search so that your gaming desk provides you with the essentials you need.

That said, it is important to remember that the gaming desk is one of the biggest and most important purchases you make. A good gaming desk will also be durable and should stand the test of time. When you think about how much you will use your desk each day and for how many years, breaking down a price of $500.00 over 5 years only equates to just $100.00 a year. If your budget allows and you can find a desk that meets your needs for $100.00 a year, then perhaps it is an investment worth making.

Is the gaming desk adjustable?

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An often celebrated feature of a gaming computer desk is its adaptability. This feature is designed to help you achieve maximum comfort while using the desk. Gaming can result in discomfort, aches, and pains in the neck and back when sitting in the same position for prolonged periods. Being able to adjust your desk is an excellent solution to this.

Not only will this feature be more comfortable and improve your posture it will improve your overall gaming experience. After all, the more comfortable you are the longer and better you can play.

The shape of your desk

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When it comes to desk shape your mind is typically transported to the standard rectangular desk. It is understandable as a rectangular gaming desk can be beneficial for a centralized setup. That said, another dominant desk shape that yields plenty of advantages is that of the l-shape or corner gaming desk.

As touched upon above, corner gaming desks are a great practical solution for those who are tight on space. However, the benefits far exceed fitting into the crevice of a room. Corner gaming desks are perfect for hosting multiple monitors and accommodating larger setups and desk space. The official Call Of Duty Precision L-shaped With Monitor Shelf is a great example of a corner computer desk that fits the bill. The monitor shelf can withstand multiple monitors, it is adjustable, provides ample space, and will fit perfectly into the corner of any room. 

How do you want your desk to look?

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While functionality and practicality take precedence, aesthetics is not something you want to overlook. Don’t forget you will be looking at this gaming desk most days so you want to like what you see. It also needs to be in harmony with the decor and feel of the rest of the room. If interior design is not top of your agenda then you can’t go far wrong with a sleek and smooth finish. Don’t forget you can always jazz up your gaming desk with customizable LED strip lighting.

Final thoughts

Choosing the right desk for your gaming career or hobby is important and there are a host of gaming desks in a variety of shapes and sizes to choose from. However, the first and foremost criterion should always be comfortable. You want to be comfortable at your desk, whether this means you need more space, the ability for it to stand, or additional storage is a nuisance of your personal preference. So, put you first and work out what will make your gaming experience more comfortable. Oh, and don’t forget the gaming chair.